Synth Meetup
07-13, 22:30–00:30 (US/Eastern), Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop)

Let's get together and geek out over music synthesizers, music synthesis, making sound, and creating music. Hardware, software - anything goes! All are welcome to come and talk synths, play synths, share projects, learn, and share. Some attendees have made their own synths at workshops at HOPE XV - please bring them! Please feel free to bring any synth or sound-making device.

Mitch Altman is an international hacker, inventor, entrepreneur, author, mentor, best known for starting Noisebridge hackerspace and inventing TV-B-Gone, which turns off TVs in public places. He did pioneering work in virtual reality in the mid 1980s and was co-founder of 3ware, a successful SillyValley startup in the 1990s. He has visited hundreds of hackerspaces around the world. He mentors, teaches soldering, and promotes open hardware and community wherever he goes. mastodon

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Travis Johns is the head of VauxFlores, an audio electronics company that specializes in the design and manufacture of unusual sound-making devices. Inspired by a fascination with analog electronics, as well as a good minute spent in the trenches of experimental music, he strives to create devices that tip the hat to the unheralded relics of the past, focusing on the sounds of the underground - whether they be garage rock, tropicalia, space music, swamp blues, harsh-noise, field hollers, non-idiomatic western free-improvisation... and so on.

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Ed Bear is an American performing artist and engineer working with robotics, sound, video, transmission, and collective improvisation. As an educator and designer committed to an open-source world, he researches and practices material reuse as a civil responsibility. He has toured extensively in North America, Asia, and Europe as a performer, technical producer, and teacher; and worked with acclaimed museums, artists, musicians, and leading education and research institutions.

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Jack Schoonover is an audio engineer and sound designer based in the Adirondack region of New York with about 15 years of synth DIY experience in a wide variety of formats. Since 2021, his company SetonixSynth has released a variety of products, primarily in the Eurorack modular format, and has been a constant presence at synth gatherings around the U.S.

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