Flights of Fancy: Celebrating the Dead Ends of the Jet Engine Revolution
07-12, 14:00–14:50 (US/Eastern), Tobin 201/202

The jet engine is a technology so successful that is now considered somewhat obvious. Even to the initiated, the history of its success is narrated as an inevitable foregone conclusion: where there once were heavy and complex piston engines, there suddenly was a light and elegant reaction engine to replace them. In reality, what we know today as a synonym for the aviation age is but one combination of many technological threads that were coming together in the early part of the 20th century, and not an obvious one at that. This talk will explore some of these threads and combinations to celebrate them as the invisible building blocks of a revolution.

Davide Semenzin is a pilot and engineering manager at ABL Space Systems. He previously worked as a software engineer at AWS and built the books digitization infrastructure at the Internet Archive. In his free time, he likes to read books, fly on airplanes, fly airplanes, and play with lasers.