Tobias on Locks and Insecurity Engineering
07-13, 15:00–15:50 (US/Eastern), Marillac Auditorium

This will be a discussion of lock design and what design engineers, covert entry teams, locksmiths, law enforcement agencies, and lock sports enthusiasts must know to assess a lock's security properly - and to compromise it. Several examples will be shown during the presentation. Marc is a renowned author of multiple books on locks, keys, and safes. Expect to learn about the complexity of locks and why they can often be defeated, regardless of their security rating.

Marc Weber Tobias is the author of eight books on security, locks, law, and police communications. He gave several presentations at different HOPE conferences and wrote one of the primary references in the lock industry: Locks, Safes, and Security. His team was also responsible for analyzing Medeco's high-security locks and determining four keys that could allow their locks to be bumped or picked worldwide. Marc is a lawyer and was chief of the Organized Crime Unit for the Office of the Attorney General in South Dakota. He runs a security team that works for many of the largest lock manufacturers in the world. His latest book, Tobias on Locks and Insecurity Engineering, is a 700-page treatise that explains why locks can be defeated and provides many examples of what he defines as "insecurity engineering."