The Fundamentals of Veilid: cDc Breaks the Internet, and You Can Too!
07-13, 13:00–13:50 (US/Eastern), Little Theatre

Last summer, Veilid was unveiled to the world as a part of the Bovine Resurrection. The team generated press coverage worldwide, and managed to drag the window over on how the press talked about digital privacy. Now they come to HOPE to spread the good word of the future restored, how we can seize the means of computation, and how you can help. They'll talk about the whys and hows of the Veilid framework, and what this new combined technology stack means for restoring the future we were promised.

Katelyn "medus4" Bowden is a hacker, activist, and Cult of the Dead Cow member who embraces the human side of hacking and tech. Katelyn has dedicated her life to changing the world for the positive - between her work fighting nonconsensual pornography and her dedication to educating users on security, she is committed to making the Internet a safer place for everyone. Her alignment is chaotic good, with a hard emphasis on the chaos. She also creates strange furby art and has over 60 dead things on display in her house.
mastodon twitter/x

Paul "The_Gibson" Miller is the founder/leader/community organizer of, Optimistic Nihilists Inc. organizer and founder, hacker, infosec professional, and passionate privacy advocate. Paul has worked to show the ways a centralized Internet has harmed our culture and the future. He believes you should always be N00bin', and that collectively we can restore the promise of the future the Internet once offered us.