Tales From the Crypt... Analyst: The Afterlife
07-13, 17:00–17:50 (US/Eastern), Marillac Auditorium

The speaker began his career in infosec at the National Security Agency first as a cryptologist, designing and fielding the first software-based cryptosystem ever produced by NSA, and later becoming the primary architect of the first NSA red team. He has shared his NSA story in a series of talks, "Tales from the Crypt... Analyst" and "More Tales From the Crypt... Analyst." This talk is the third installment in Jeff's story and features his transition from NSA to the private sector in the early days of Internet security.

Jeff Man, INFOSEC curmudgeon, is a respected information security advocate/evangelist, trusted advisor, international keynoter, co-host on Paul's Security Weekly, and Tribe of Hackers (TOH) contributor. As a certified NSA cryptanalyst, he designed and fielded the first SW-based cryptosystem produced by NSA, designed a cryptographic cipher wheel used by U.S. Special Forces for over a decade, and was the principal architect of the first NSA "Red Team."
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