Onion (Web)Rings: Self-Hosting Websites With Tor
07-13, 17:30–19:00 (US/Eastern), Tobin 223 (Workshop 3)

Self-hosting your own websites is one entry point into making creative, small-scale, and meaningful reclamations of technologies present in our everyday lives. This workshop is a tiny exercise in homemade website infrastructure with a privacy-centric lens! It will start with a brief introduction to Tor and how websites can be hosted and accessed anonymously. Then, you’ll spend time going through the process of installing, configuring, and running Tor to host a personal website. You’ll then create your own web pages (bring your own or personalize the provided template), and form a short-lived webring by linking to each other’s onion websites.

Links we'll use

Links for software + tools we'll use

My own experiments in self-hosting with Tor ◕ᴗ◕

Lizz Thabet is an artist and programmer excited about homemade internets and technology skillshare. Over the last few years, Liz has been learning about self-hosting websites for her own creative practice and building web-based tools for playing on networks to share with others. Liz also makes weird drawings, readymade sculptures, and handmade books. In her day job, she helps build tools for other programmers with an eye towards open-source projects and accessible websites.