Everyone Is Shanti Sena
07-13, 21:30–23:00 (US/Eastern), Tobin 221 (Workshop 2)

Shanti Sena is a version of community policing that has been in practice for over 50 years at Rainbow Gatherings. It is one way to begin implementing de-tasking, which is an alternative to calling the police should a disruption occur. The workshop includes a history of Rainbow Gatherings, Shanti Sena at Rainbow Gatherings, and five types of Shanti Sena. It also covers Rainbow’s connection with Occupy Wall Street. Included will be a video demonstration of Shanti Sena in action. You will see how Rainbow is the opposite of cancel culture, learn diffusion tips with love as the main ingredient, and practice roll playing in different scenarios.

Rob Savoye is a longtime activist with a focus on homeless rights and peaceful assembly. He has been to court many times for Rainbow Gatherings to defend the right to peacefully assembly on public land and to live without a home in the Colorado front range. As a software engineer, he focuses on software freedom instead of corporate monopoly. Rob is currently working on free software for emergency response mapping for international disasters.

Anonapussy is a staunch researcher in de-tasking and the Stop Cop Cities movement, motivated long ago by the loss of a friend at the hands of the police, then recently reactivated by the police murder of Tortuguita. Born into an activist family, she has visited prisoners, learned how to get along with folks unlike her through disaster relief work, and helped to improve our world by contributing positively to things like creating and saving community gardens, creating more bike lanes, shutting down the Nevada nuclear test site, preventing a liquid natural gas station from existing on the water, decriminalizing weed, setting up and running Rainbow Gatherings, working security at festivals, protecting people from police, and doing court support and jail taxi. She thinks the golden rule is cool and is fascinated by acorn power.

Garrick Beck was born into Off-Broadway’s Living Theatre, founded by his progressive artist parents Julian Beck and Judith Malina. He left that fabulous Beat Generation scene and moved “back-to-the-land” in Oregon where he was instrumental in the beginnings of the organic food movement and sustainable forestry. Returning to New York, he pioneered a children’s gardening program that has been replicated in hundreds of urban landscapes. Additionally, he was one of the co-founders of The Rainbow Gatherings: communitarian, gently anarchic, free events, open to everyone, held on public forest lands for over 50 years and now in as many countries. He has spent time in federal prison while defending the rights of peaceable assembly on public lands, resulting in rulings that have overturned multiple sets of federal regulations as unconstitutional, and preserving - to some degree - everyone’s rights of public assembly.