Physical Security Assessment Basics for Internal Employees
07-12, 17:00–19:00 (US/Eastern), Physical Security Village

If you have an interest in physical security and want to help your employer secure their buildings, this workshop is for you! Common flaws in locks, alarms, surveillance systems, and employee training will be covered. You’ll learn how to test for them and suggest remediations to company leadership. This is a very hands-on workshop; exhibits from the Physical Security Village will be used to let you try your hand at lock bypass, alarm bypass, forcible entry, social engineering, and other common vulnerabilities! This workshop is aimed at employees whose primary job function does not involve physical security. This often includes cybersecurity teams though, so lots of analogies to infosec concepts will be made. The workshop will be accessible to everyone.

Bill Graydon is a principal at GGR Security, where he hacks everything from locks and alarms to critical infrastructure; this has given him some very fine-tuned skills for breaking stuff. He’s passionate about advancing the security field through research, teaching numerous courses, giving talks, and running the Physical Security Village at various cons. He’s received various degrees in computer engineering, security, and forensics and comes from a broad background of work experience in physical and cyber security, anti-money laundering, and infectious disease detection.

Karen Ng is a Risk Analyst at GGR Security, and is one of GGR's entry team for physical penetration tests. She has a strong interest in physical security, delivering trainings on physical security vulnerabilities to a wide range of audiences. Karen comes from a background in engineering and has extensive experience in major event logistics. She is one of the Village Leads at the Physical Security Village, and works with the rest of the PSV team to teach how to recognize and fix security exploits to the community. Graphic design is her passion.

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