They're Still Using Balloons... - Disseminating Information Into North Korea in 2024
07-12, 17:00–17:50 (US/Eastern), Little Theatre

North Korea is the only country you cannot leave. Within this prison state, anyone found with outside information may be publicly executed. Despite the risks, there's a growing thirst for outside information. Few organizations are able to quench it, as "dissemination tech" hasn't progressed much beyond balloons. This talk aims to inspire innovation among fellow makers. It will cover the technology that citizens of North Korea have access to as well as the tools the government uses to block open information access, while highlighting projects and individuals that are making a difference.

Amon Poston is a software engineer who is passionate about leveraging technology to support human rights, especially for North Koreans. In 2022, he left his comfortable startup position to become a contractor, dedicating his time to researching how he can aid the freedom of North Koreans and people living under authoritarian rule.