iWar 2024: The Evolution of Information Warfare in the Digital Age a.k.a What Happens When You Run the Internet Through CRISPR?
07-12, 20:00–20:50 (US/Eastern), Little Theatre

This talk will explore the evolution of information warfare and the transformative impact of AI and quantum computing. It will examine recent disinformation campaigns and the exploitation of platforms like TikTok and Telegram. Key defensive strategies include AI-driven detection and robust cyber hygiene. Future scenarios involving hyper-reality, digital sovereignty, and the "3DCs" (Decentralization of Communication, Currencies, and Communities) will be discussed. Emphasizing ethical responsibilities and proactive defense, the session will aim to provide insights and tools to counteract emerging digital threats and protect the integrity of information in the evolving landscape of 2024 and beyond.

Alexander Urbelis is an internationally recognized technology attorney and cybersecurity expert who is the general counsel and CISO of the Ethereum Name Service. In addition to his practice of law, Alex also served as the CISO of the NFL, is a member of the technology advisory board of Human Rights First, and is a professor of law at King's College, London. Alex's federal service includes positions within the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Army JAG Corps, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. But most importantly, many of you know Alex as your favorite talking head on Off The Hook, and from his regular 2600 column "Artificial Interruption."

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Roel Schouwenberg has over 20 years of experience in the security field. He has engaged in long-term campaign and actor tracking across the cyber, influence, and information domains. One of Roel's areas of interest is how state actors are leveraging offensive cyber and social media for deniable operations.

Daniel Nowak is a highly experienced professional with a broad and advanced set of skills, specialized in areas that are crucial for cybersecurity, intelligence, and digital operations. Daniel has over 25 years within the global information security community. His work involves a mix of technological expertise and strategic advisory roles, helping various high-profile entities navigate complex and sensitive domains.