Demoscene 2024: Just When You Thought There Wasn't Any More!
07-13, 23:00–02:00 (US/Eastern), Marillac Auditorium

The demoscene once consisted of hackers, crackers, and pirates. Back then, software pirates would compete for the most cracked games, but they would also hire artists to decorate their new distributions. Eventually, they ditched the piracy bit and continued creating amazing works of art, motion graphics, music, and of course, code. Squeezing every bit of computing power out of a platform, they now regularly compete at events around the world. There's more to this story - join Inverse Phase for this talk about not only how we got here, but what's being done in 2024 to push the envelope today in algorithmic computer art.

Inverse Phase runs his own computer+game museum: Bloop Museum near Baltimore. The intersection of "fancy library" and "arcade" in a physical space, he has also preserved the only working BIOS for a computer he hadn't heard of and exonerated wrongly imprisoned people through data archival and preservation. Last but not least, he writes covers, tributes, and original game soundtracks on the computers and consoles therein. His goal is to bring lesser-known and unsung computer and gaming history to light.
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