Innovating for Impact: Building Technology in Resource-Constrained Environments
07-14, 17:00–17:50 (US/Eastern), Little Theatre

Developing technology within nonprofit organizations presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Unlike for-profit enterprises, nonprofits often operate with limited funding and resources, which necessitates a different approach to innovation and development. Jason has spent the last few years navigating this environment, and developing strategies that have come to inform how the Human Rights First Innovation Lab approaches technical work. This talk will explore the intricacies of creating impactful tech solutions in these settings, offering insights and strategies to navigate the constraints while maximizing positive outcomes.

Jason A. Long is a software engineer, founder, and technology executive with a passion for social change. He serves as the technical director of the Innovation Lab at Human Rights First, providing technical management and strategic guidance on the Lab's projects. Jason is active in organizations providing opportunities to formerly incarcerated and otherwise marginalized people.

Alexander Urbelis is an internationally recognized technology attorney and cybersecurity expert who is the general counsel and CISO of the Ethereum Name Service. In addition to his practice of law, Alex also served as the CISO of the NFL, is a member of the technology advisory board of Human Rights First, and is a professor of law at King's College, London. Alex's federal service includes positions within the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Army JAG Corps, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. But most importantly, many of you know Alex as your favorite talking head on Off The Hook, and from his regular 2600 column "Artificial Interruption."

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