News From the 2600net IRC Network and Facebook Group
07-14, 17:00–17:50 (US/Eastern), Tobin 201/202

Throughout the 25-plus years of 2600net history, the project has survived and succeeded through some of the world’s largest DDoSes, raids, persistent trolls, disinformation botnets, Facebook issues, technical debt, challenges, and successes. This presentation will detail out the last 25 years of legal processes, significant actions, staff changes, new projects, old projects, and setting the record straight. This is an update to the previous 2600net talk, now including Facebook groups, Discord, Slack, and other contributions to the 2600 community!

Andrew Strutt/r0d3nt is a founder of and has been host of the 2600net IRC network and Facebook group for 25 years. His ham radio call sign is K6ADS.

dclaw has spent 34 years on the BBSs, IRCs, and Intertubes. dclaw loves long walks on the beach and cleaning up script kiddie hackjobs.

Daniel Baldor specializes in identity and access management (IAM) and public key infrastructure (PKI) and works with hardware security module stuff. He has worked in the financial sector in information security for 12 years.

Tim Benish is a technomage and principal security analyst at Secureworld Advisory Council. He is a moderator of the 2600net Facebook group and an eclectic gatherer of knowledge and rare items.