Survey and Scrutiny of Election Security
07-12, 19:00–19:50 (US/Eastern), Marillac Auditorium

Fake news or flawless? Our computerized elections are neither. To truly understand corporate, closed-source election computers requires understanding of how they fit into the wider electoral system and its interlocking parts. Douglas' investigative journalism will provide case studies documenting how it can go haywire: the 2016 Kremlin cyberattacks on U.S. election infrastructure exposed by whistleblower Reality Winner, the MAGA-led Coffee County elections office breach still compromising Georgia's statewide voting software, and more. Such details will show how you can help secure elections: scrutineers, statistical forensics, free software voting companies... the list goes on. He will address democracy's evolution, too, scrutinizing statist voting within the bigger picture of human collaboration.

Douglas Lucas is a Seattle-based freelance journalist published by Salon, Vice, WhoWhatWhy, the Texas Observer, and more. He's perhaps most known for covering the legal battles of federal defendants from the hacktivism/transparency movement; corroborating and analyzing revelations from the emails hacked out of the spy firm Stratfor; and investigating the MAGA-led statewide voting software compromise stemming from the Coffee County, Georgia elections office breach. Otherwise, he's writing science fiction, substitute teaching, copywriting, tending to his houseplants, and preparing to leave the United States this winter.
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