07-13, 21:00–21:50 (US/Eastern), Tobin 201/202
Privacy risks keep multiplying every year as we continue to accept more automation in our lives. Many of us take measures to improve our privacy and find ways to help others stay safe. It can help to take positive steps to foster HOPE and generate motivation to continue this work. This hour will celebrate some positive developments that everyone can learn from and will encourage attendees to push for more legal and regulatory solutions so more people can live their lives simply and safely. A member of the privacy team at the FTC will join the discussion to talk about some of their accomplishments, the road ahead, and ways that people can help them support their mission to protect the public against malicious business practices.
Mean Gene is the head of product at a small cybersecurity startup, a member of NYC Resistor, and an advocate for privacy.
Ben Wiseman is an associate director in the FTC’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection.