Learn to Solder With BiaSciLab and Girls Who Hack!
07-13, 09:00–10:00 (US/Eastern), Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop)

In this workshop, you will learn the basics of soldering by assembling the Girls Who Hack soldering kit! This class is aimed at kids (younger ones will need adult supervision), but adults are welcome as long as they make room for the kids.

BiaSciLab is a 17-year-old hacker and maker. Her election hacking work was highlighted at a congressional hearing on election security. This inspired her to build her own election system: Secure Open Vote. This summer she is interning with IBM’s X-Force Red and is the lead goon for DCNextGen, the official DEF CON youth track. She is also the founder and CEO of Girls Who Hack, an organization focused on teaching girls the skills of hacking so that they can change the future.
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