The History of Leaks
07-12, 14:00–14:50 (US/Eastern), Marillac Auditorium

This is a presentation on the modern history of leaks, from the Pentagon Papers to the end of WikiLeaks' publishing era. The talk looks at leak publishers and press consortiums, and the changes in how newsrooms, the public, and the powers that be have responded to leaks and leakers, asking how newsrooms have handled the rapidly changing landscape of leaks, hackers, and leak laundering. The talk concludes with a brief look at what AssangeLeaks can tell us about WikiLeaks and the government's case against it.

Emma Best is an investigative journalist, transparency advocate, and cofounder of Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets). She has filed thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests and published hundreds of articles appearing in outlets like MuckRock, Gizmodo, Motherboard, Unicorn Riot, The Outline, and Property of the People.

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Emily Crose is a cybersecurity practitioner and researcher of hacking history. Emily has been an avid participant in the hacking scene, speaking at several conferences over the years on topics ranging from computer network defense research to technical ethics and responsibility. Emily is a former technical intelligence officer in the U.S. intelligence community, working for various agencies including the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency. She is also featured in several permanent exhibits on network exploitation at the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC.
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