What Wi-Fi Devices Are Nearby? Any Cameras Watching Me?
07-14, 10:00–10:50 (US/Eastern), Little Theatre

Ever wonder what Wi-Fi devices are around you? Ever wonder if Wi-Fi security cameras are recording and uploading videos of you? This talk will explore a tool called trackerjacker, which helps answer these questions. It's been described as nmap for Wi-Fi.

Caleb Madrigal is a hacker and mathematician who enjoys waves. He's done some IoT hacking using direct modulation of radio waves, he's done a good bit of network hacking at various OSI layers, and, more recently, he's been playing with visualizing some of the wave math he learned doing radio hacking to do art at gods.art. By day, Caleb does AI/ML consulting (particularly on the ML ops/data preparation side). One of his top areas of interest is the intersection of cybersecurity and AI (which he used to work on at Mandiant).