The Arduboy Story
07-14, 15:00–15:50 (US/Eastern), Tobin 201/202

The story of Arduboy, an open-source, credit-card-sized gaming system based on Arduino, designed to create a community-driven platform for learning and creativity. Kevin will share his journey from developing a digital business card to creating a viral product with tens of thousands of units sold and a thriving community contributing hundreds of games. He will highlight the challenges and successes in developing and scaling Arduboy, emphasizing the importance of community engagement, maintaining vision, and adapting to change. The talk concludes with insights into the open-source economy and the value of intrinsic motivation in fostering innovation and learning.

Kevin Bates is an entrepreneur, conceptual artist, and founder of Arduboy. From humble beginnings, he strives to be a small but potent element of positive change in the world through the promotion of self-directed and open-source education.

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