Love, Hackers, and Robots: A Reflection of My First Year in the Biohacking Community
07-13, 11:00–11:50 (US/Eastern), Marillac Auditorium

In the summer of 2023, Karen finally pulled the trigger on something she had wanted to do for many years: her first RFID implant. Along with it, she started posting to forums revolving around biohacking and found that despite her research before getting the implant, she had only barely scratched the surface. She found herself joining a crazy community full of hackers, innovators, and cyborgs - where the only limit was whether the tech had caught up to the ideas yet. This talk discusses her journey as a new biohacker, and what she found in her first foray into what might be the coolest community she's ever been a part of.

Karen Ng is a Risk Analyst at GGR Security, and is one of GGR's entry team for physical penetration tests. She has a strong interest in physical security, delivering trainings on physical security vulnerabilities to a wide range of audiences. Karen comes from a background in engineering and has extensive experience in major event logistics. She is one of the Village Leads at the Physical Security Village, and works with the rest of the PSV team to teach how to recognize and fix security exploits to the community. Graphic design is her passion.

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