Group Decision-Making Governance
07-13, 19:30–21:00 (US/Eastern), Tobin 221 (Workshop 2)

All are welcome to this facilitated group workshop on sharing and comparing experiences of group decision-making. Everyone who wants to gets a turn. The point is to explore the challenges of holding power together and add to people’s toolkit of collective sense-making, collective intelligence, and group decision-making approaches in order to enhance the ability of HOPE attendees to take collective action in whatever contexts they may exist within. Participants will see where the conversation goes regarding further exploration of specific challenges or entertaining ideas for addressing specific challenges.

Elizabeth Barry serves as chief operating officer and head of partnerships at the Computational Democracy Project, the 501(c)3 organization she established with the creators of the Polis technology to steward its open-source code and methods. She works with facilitators, social movements, civil society organizations, journalists, indigenous nations, governments, and peacebuilders to implement "listening at scale" - Polis's tagline since 2014. Her prior work involved listening to 100,000 strangers in New York City and across the United States using a sign that said "Talk To Me." Elizabeth's work is most often characterized as collective intelligence.

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