07-12, 14:30–17:00 (US/Eastern), Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop)
Learn to solder together a way cool, powerful music synthesizer - and learn how to make cool music, sound, and noise with a computer chip! For total beginners. Participants will learn to solder well for life, learn the basics of digital signal processing, and bring home a working performing music synthesizer that is Arduino-compatible, open source, with a touch keyboard and a built-in speaker/amp.
Mitch Altman is an international hacker, inventor, entrepreneur, author, mentor, best known for starting Noisebridge hackerspace and inventing TV-B-Gone, which turns off TVs in public places. He did pioneering work in virtual reality in the mid 1980s and was co-founder of 3ware, a successful SillyValley startup in the 1990s. He has visited hundreds of hackerspaces around the world. He mentors, teaches soldering, and promotes open hardware and community wherever he goes. mastodon