Hacktivism for Organizers: Social Change From the Keyboards
07-13, 12:00–12:50 (US/Eastern), Little Theatre

Empowered with unparalleled knowledge and skills, hackers possess a unique ability to engineer solutions and drive progress. How can organizers evolve into digital activists or hacktivists? How can they harness the power of hacktivism to amplify their voices and drive social change? What does digital organizing and activism look like in the coming future? How can we do this safely and successfully? Join Danacea and Matt as they delve into real-life examples and strategies for catalyzing movements from our keyboards - how hackers can contribute their expertise for a better world! Want to change the planet? Hack the planet!

Danacea Vo founded Cyberlixir, a human-focused cybersecurity service provider for various nonprofits and people-centered corporations globally. She has a bachelor's in philosophy, a master's in cybersecurity, and numerous cybersecurity certifications. Working alongside human rights defenders, organizers, and journalists, Danacea embodies the ethos of safeguarding the vulnerable. This value is further conveyed through her work on social media platforms, where she teaches cybersecurity best practices to the public and disseminates various ethical implications of technology.
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Matt Mitchell is a hacktivist and the founder of CryptoHarlem. He recently was featured in NOVA's "Secrets in Your Data" on PBS. In 2021, Matt graced the cover of Newsweek and was named one of America's greatest disruptors. That same year, he received a Pioneer Award from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. In 2020, he was named a WIRED25 by Wired, and in 2017 was named a "Human of The Year" by VICE Motherboard. Matt is a well-known security researcher, operational security trainer, and data journalist. He worked as an independent digital security/counter surveillance trainer for media and humanitarian focused private security firms. His personal work focuses on marginalized, aggressively monitored, over-policed populations in the United States and abroad.
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