Dan Romanchik

Dan Romanchik (KB6NU) has been a ham radio hacker since he was 10 years old. He enjoys all kinds of ham radio activities, but his favorite things to do are operating CW and teaching ham radio classes.
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Ham Radio for Hackers
Dan Romanchik

Some people consider ham radio operators to be the original hackers. In this talk, Dan will discuss some of the cool development projects that ham radio hackers are working on and talk about how you can get your own hacker, errrrr ham radio license.

Talks & Panels
Tobin 201/202
Get Your Amateur (Ham) Radio License in a Single Day
Dan Romanchik, Nicole Adams, Ed Wilson

This workshop will teach attendees what they need to know to pass the Technician class amateur radio license exam and get started in amateur radio. It includes six hours of instruction, with the exam administered immediately after the workshop.
It is sometimes said that radio amateurs were the original hackers, cobbling together transmitters and receivers from odds, ends, and discarded electronics. Radio amateurs continue this tradition today, and in addition to building their own gear, they’re hacking on digital communications systems, including both hardware and software. Amateur radio is a great hobby for electronics enthusiasts and, increasingly, for hardware and software hackers.
Participants will increase their chances of passing the test if they download the study guide from https://www.kb6nu.com/study-guides/ and familiarize themselves with the material before coming to the workshop. The text for this workshop is Dan’s No Nonsense Technician Class License Study Guide. The PDF version of the study guide is available for free at the above page. EPUB and print versions are also available for a small charge.

Tobin 221 (Workshop 2)