Xavier Palmer

Xavier Palmer comes from multiple disciplines and is also part of the virtual lab BiosView. He is fond of promoting positive and creative projects with nontraditional students that foster curiosity and conversation around technologies that interface with all aspects of biology.


A Discussion of a Past, Present, and (Possible) Future of Bioweapons
Lucas Potter, Meow-Ludo, Xavier Palmer

Biological warfare is a phenomenon that spans human history, tracing its roots to ancient times rather than being a recent invention. To gain insights into bioweapons' current and future landscape, it is imperative to look into historical examples of conventional biological warfare and understand how methods were devised and implemented. Our future hinges significantly on our ability to foster transparency and creativity within the global community. This optimism is intertwined with our comprehension of technological advancements, the rapid pace of innovation, the interconnectedness of various domains, and the imperative task of constructing practical defenses against emerging threats. As a poignant reminder, our vulnerability lies in technological shortcomings and our collective failure of imagination. This discourse extends to establishing social norms and mores that are pivotal in shaping attitudes toward biological warfare and encompasses an exploration of prospective research endeavors and emerging initiatives leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of bioweaponry. As we confront the intricate interplay between technological advancements and human agency, it is imperative to remain vigilant and resolute in our pursuit of a future safeguarded against the malevolent exploitation of biological agents.

Talks & Panels
Little Theatre