Andrew Morican
Andrew Morican is a lifelong violin player/teacher and coder. He is an instructor for the Community School of Music and the Arts at Canadian Mennonite University, a member of the musical act Andrew&Andrew, and since 2018 the CTO for iSBERGDATA.
It's a common belief that beginning violin player sound is terrible and has to be that way, and with traditional rote-learning approaches this is most often true! Hack the Violin says it need not be so! Hacking all the components to playing the violin, including hacking music, the mind, the body, hearing, feeling, practicing, and performing, Hack the Violin is a hacker's approach to learning, playing, and teaching the violin that will enable anyone and even the chair they're sitting on to make some beautiful melodious sound on the violin right away! Feel free to bring your violin/fiddle along so you can try the hacks for yourself!